Incumbent Events

The incumbent Events area stores details of any events which apply to this incumbent. Events added to an incumbent will automatically display in the linked employee file, and vice versa.

  1. Go to Navigator | HR | Positions.
  2. Select the required position.
  3. Click on the Incumbent(s) tab and select the required incumbent.
  4. Click on that incumbent's Events tab.
  5. Click on the Add New button and complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Event Type From the drop down list select the event type as it has been defined in the HR Framework, or select <<Add New>> to create one as you work.
Event The list of event items is dependent on the event type selected. Choose one from the list or select <<Add New>> to create one as you work.
Scheduled Date & Time Enter the date and time the event is scheduled to take place.
To Date & Time Enter the date and time the event is scheduled to finish. An entry will be made in the planner, spanning the scheduled and completed dates.
Continuous If you tick this check-box an entry will be made in the planner spanning the SCHEDULED date/time to the TO date/time.
Coordinator Company If applicable, select the company that coordinates or performs this event.
Coordinator Enter the contact/employee (from the specified company) who will coordinate this event.
% Completed Enter the percentage this event is currently at e.g. 50% or 100%.
Completed Enter the date and time the event is scheduled to be completed. An entry will be made in the planner showing this information.
Duration Enter the duration of the event (optional).
Score If applicable, enter a score for the event.
Follow Up Date/time If the event requires a follow up, enter the date and time here.
Follow up by Company Specify the company who will perform the follow up.
Follow Up By Enter the contact/employee (from the specified company) who will perform the follow up.
Notes Add any applicable notes.
Action Items Select the Action Items tab to access any actions which have been set for this Event, or use the Actions button to generate tasks or email messages relating to this event.
Documents Select the documents tab to access any documents which have already been linked to this event, or click the Add New button to add a document now.
  1. Click OK to save changes and close the window.

Any default Events which have been defined for a position can be copied to incumbents of that position, and then modified as required. To do this:

  1. Go to the Position node and select the required position
  2. Click on the Incumbent(s) tab
  3. Click on the Apply Related drop-down arrow and select the Events option.

You can then edit the incumbent and add any specific details to the event as described above.